Invest and earn up to RM5,000 every time you refer a friend!
B2B FinPAL Investor Referral Program Get Rewards by referring your family and friends to be our investor and earn up to RM5,000* (T&C apply) per…

SME Financing in Malaysia by B2B Finpal
Running a Small-and-Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) these days can be very challenging especially with the current Movement Control Order (MCO) in our country.…

Business Financing in Malaysia by B2B Finpal
Are you looking for business financing in Malaysia to start a business or maintaining an existing one? If your answer is yes, then you are at the right place!…

Can I register as an Issuer and an Investor simultaneously?
Currently, there is no rule restricting you to register as Issuer and Investor simultaneously. You will be required to open separate accounts for each, using different…

Is FinPAL regulated?
Yes, FinPal is a Registered Recognised Market Operator, governed under Section 34 of Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 (CMSA) by Securities Commission of Malaysia…

Are my funds at risk if FinPAL becomes insolvent?
Your investment funds are held on trust on your behalf in a segregated Investor Trust Account which cannot be transferred to FinPAL Accounts. Additionally, FinPAL…

Is my investment secured?
FinPAL does not hold any tangible collateral from the Issuer as a security against the Issued Note(s). However, depending on the credit assessment of the Issuer,…

How would my investment be impacted in the event of delinquent / default?
In the event of any delinquent and/or defaulted Issued Note(s), FinPAL may incur costs such as legal fees and collection charges in recovering the Issued Notes amount…